0115 8715 053
Registered Charity number 1060035|Advanced Motorist Affiliation number 7182
The IAM RoadSmart Fellows programme exists for Advanced Riders who wish to maintain the riding standard they have achieved by regularly renewing and refreshing their Advanced Rider skills. It enables members to retest every three years and hence gain a higher level if IAM membership. If you would like to learn more click here
I knew I needed way more training to stay alive. A friend of mine told me about the IAM one Saturday afternoon. That very night I went online and paid for 2 courses for my son and myself.
Looking back now at when I had my first initial ride with Observer Steve Branson I have to admit I was terrible and I mean proper terrible. The great thing is these guys don’t tell you how bad you are, they give you pointers and so much more. In fact I got so much confidence from this group from training and ride-outs and watching how they all ride I went out and bought a ‘bendy over’ bike as I call them, another Triumph, a 1050 ST Sprint and then, wait for it, even a Suzuki 750 GSXR.
I cannot thank this group of guys enough. If anyone out there is thinking about buying one these courses I don't know what you’re waiting for. If you do not have the money right now go out and borrow it. This course will help save you or your loved one’s life. It’s as simple as that.
, Advanced Rider