The best way to find out more about advanced riding is to experience it for yourself. We are ready to offer a free no, obligation Taster Session to any motorcyclist in Nottinghamshire. The session lasts around 90 minutes. It includes a brief introduction to the principles of advanced riding. We will then take you on an observed run where you will lead, and one of our National Observers will follow, observing your riding style. There will then be a debrief where the observer will discuss your riding with you and comment on how the Advanced Rider Course may benefit you. Read More…
The IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider Course includes:
All the theory and literature to study for your Advanced Rider Test
- The training you need to become an Advanced Rider:
- An initial assessment with one of our experienced National Observers who will review your riding and help you decide if the course will benefit you.
- One-to-one training sessions with an allocated Observer who will teach you all aspects of advanced riding to IAM RoadSmart standards. Each session takes around 4 hours, typically 50% on the bike and 50% discussion. You can have as many sessions as you need to get to test standard, but typically most have 5 to 7 sessions.
- A final assessment with an independent National Observer who will ensure you are ready for your test.
- Your Test Fee is included
- A year’s membership of IAM RoadSmart
- A year’s membership of Nottingham Advanced Motorcyclists, which includes entitlement to join ride-outs, Group Nights and other group activities
- Qualified Observers giving you their own time, one to one
- The IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider Course costs £215.00.
- An additional fee of £20.00 per session applies to go towards your volunteer Observer’s expenses
Think how much this would all cost if you went to a commercial training organisation. Read More…
The IAM RoadSmart Masters Course takes you and your riding skills to the highest standard of civilian riding ability in the UK. Only riders who have already passed their Advanced Rider Test are eligible to apply. If you would like to learn more click here Read More….
The IAM RoadSmart Fellows programme exists for Advanced Riders who wish to maintain the riding standard they have achieved by regularly renewing and refreshing their Advanced Rider skills. It enables members to retest every three years and hence gain a higher level of IAM membership. If you would like to learn more click here Read More….