| 0115 8715 053
Registered Charity number 1060035|Advanced Motorist Affiliation number 7182

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February's club night welcomes RST. In Club50 news, Kevin Fox wins 1st prize (£35.50), John McFadden 2nd prize (£21.00) and Steve Wynne 3rd prize (£14.00)

Hello and welcome to Nottingham Advanced Motorcyclists

We’re here to help you get the most out of your motorcycling. With us you can enjoy all sorts of training and social activities whilst improving your riding skills.

Our Group offers
  • fun
  • new riding skills
  • meeting friendly, like-minded people
  • social events
  • ride-outs
We’ll help you pass your IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider Test and become an Advanced Rider.

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What We Do

We deliver Advanced Rider training on behalf of the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) to motorcyclists in Nottinghamshire.

Most riders join us to achieve the riding standard required to become a Full Member of iAM RoadSmart or alternatively to simply improve their riding skills.

Many of our members stay on after completing their coaching sessions because they enjoy the friendly environment and social aspects of the club.

Some have such a passion for motorcycling and enjoy the Advanced Course so much, they want to put something back into the club and the motorcycling community. They can go on to be trained as Observers and coach newcomers with an added benefit that their own skills improve even more.

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The Advanced Rider Course

The Course includes all the training you need to become an Advanced Rider and anyone with a full motorcycle licence can sign up for it.

You'll get an initial assessment with an experienced National Observer to review your riding.

If you decide it is for you then we offer one-to-one training with an Observer who will teach you all aspects of advanced riding to IAM RoadSmart standards.

When you are ready you’ll have a final assessment with an independent Observer to check you are fully prepared and likely to pass.

Advanced riding increases your confidence and enables you to get more fun and enjoyment out of your motorcycling!.

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